Plasmid DNA Isolation Kits

Kits for isolation of high quality Plasmid DNA


Kits for isolation of high quality Plasmid DNA; complete range of standard Miniprep, Midi prep, Maxi Prep kits and 96-well Kits.

High recovery of plasmid DNA : Yield from mini is 30ug, from Midi 750ug and from Maxi kit 1.5mg.

These kits are time saving, versatile and safe. They eliminates the use of phenol, chloroform, and CsCl and minimizes the exposure to hazardous chemicals.


Features MINI Midi /Endotoxin Free - Midi  Maxi/Endotoxin Free - Maxi  96 Well Plasmid Kit / QIAcube Favorfilter Maxi / Endotoxin Free - Maxi
Sample Size 1 ~ 5 ml   60 ~ 120 ml 120 ~ 240 ml up to 200 µl of fresh / frozen blood per well
up to 25 mg of animal tissue
up to 5 X 10 animal cultured cells
up to 106 bacterial cultured cells
120 ~ 240 ml
Size of Plasmid/Construct 15 kb 3kbp ~ 150kbp 3kbp ~ 150kbp - 3kbp ~ 150kbp
Operation Time 25 minutes - - < within 90 min/ 96 preparation -
Typical Yield 20 ~ 30 µg - - up to 30 µg / well -
Binding Capacity 60 µg/ column 650 µg / Midi Column 1.5 mg / Maxi Column - 1.5 mg / Maxi Column
Column Applicability centrifugation and vaccum - - - -



Image Product Name Catalog No. Product Description Pack Size Quantity Action
Plasmid DNA Extraction Mini Kit FAPDE 100

FavorPrepTM Plasmid DNA Extraction Mini Kit - 100 Preps

Plasmid DNA Extraction Mini Kit FAPDE 300

FavorPrepTM Plasmid DNA Extraction Mini Kit - 300 Preps

Plasmid DNA extraction Midi kit FAPDE 002

FavorPrep™ Plasmid DNA extraction Midi Kit - 25 Preps

Plasmid DNA Extraction Midi Kit FAPDE 002-1

FavorPrep™ Plasmid DNA extraction Midi Kit - 50 Preps


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